Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pinterest Thursday ~ Menu Board

 I'm sure most of you already know, pinterest is pretty addicting! =) I have found SO many ideas, recipes, crafts, things to do it's ridiculous! I haven't done most of them. SO I have decided it's time to putting all of my time on pinterest to use. Every Thursday I will do a post about something I found on there & actually did. This week I will start with this menu board I made. I had a lot of fun making this with Ella, we even decided to do one for chores. We even use it! I wasn't sure if I would use it or if I would make it, hang it on the wall, use it for a week or two & then forget about. I really like having it, it helps a lot with menu planning & grocery shopping. =) 

Here are all of my supplies, paper, a frame, clothespins, 2 boxes of crayons, stickers, & buttons

     I think I may have gone a little overboard with the paper =)

I took the frame apart, then glued the paper onto
the back of the frame & put it back together without the glass.

To make the clips for the recipes, I used clothespins. I cut out peices of paper that were the same size & hot glued it onto the top of the clothespin. Then I glued the clothes pin onto my frame. 

The crayon boxes are to put the recipes in that 
aren't in the clips. I folded the paper around the box like I was wrapping it, Ella covered the paper in glue then we put it on the bow. I used hot glue around the top to make sure it stays. I also put paper in the box so you can't see the cardboard. I hot glued them to my board, I put them on crooked so it would be easier to get the papers in & out... & I think it looks cute! 

I then added some embellishments to make it cute as well as functional. I wrapped some string around the boxes & added some buttons. Then I added the fabric that went between the 2 different pieces of paper & the glitter letters (cuz who doesn't need a little sparkle?) 

and here is my awesome menu board! 

Then because I had so much paper I decided to make a chore chart too. =) Ella loves helping me do things on here & then moving the paper into the done envelope. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Congrats Shawn!!

My little brother, Shawn graduated this year. It just doesn't seem possible that he is old enough to have graduated high school, let alone the fact the he is now an adult & will be doing adult things. Moving out, getting a real, full-time job, going to college... In my head he has been stuck at age 12 for quite some time. I am proud of him & what he has become. I like to think since I am quite a few years older than him I contributed to that. =) Here are a few photos from his graduation & some senior photos too (which I took).


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Where have I been??

Hi all! So, I know I have been absent for quite awhile... I have just been so busy with the kiddos, Colten just turned 1, my little brother graduated from high school, and I was super busy in June with my photography {YAY} I will try & get some posts done this week. In the mean time... here is a photo of Colten eating his cake. =)